Seeing your house sit on the market without any bites is the ultimate frustration.
For Buyers / Mortgage Rates
This Is the Sweet Spot Homebuyers Have Been Waiting For
After months of sitting on the sidelines, many homebuyers who were priced out by high mortgage rates and affordability challenges finally have an opportunity to make their move.
Affordability / For Buyers / Home Prices / Inventory / Mortgage Rates
Buying Beats Renting in 22 Major U.S. Cities
That’s right—according to a recent study from Zillow, in 22 of the 50 largest metro areas, monthly mortgage payments are now lower than rent payments.
Buying Tips / For Buyers / Infographics / Mortgage Rates
Buy Now, or Wait?
If you’re wondering if you should buy now or wait, here’s what you need to know.
Agent Value / Buying Tips / For Buyers / For Sellers / Selling Tips
Don’t Fall for These Real Estate Agent Myths
When it’s time to buy or sell a home, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is who you’ll work with as your agent.